پايگاه خبري سلام پرس


Israeli invasion to Gaza leads to Muslims unity against Tel Aviv.

Respondents to a Press TV poll say the Israeli ground incursion into Gaza will either lead to a defeat or Muslims unity against Tel Aviv.

Some 41 percent of the 26,385 respondents to a recent Press TV poll are of the opinion that Israel will be defeated by Hamas, while 35 percent believe that Muslims will unite and come to the aid of the Palestinians. Only 24 percent of the participants believe that Israel will be able to defeat Hamas in its ground incursion. Israel launched air and sea attacks on Gaza on December 27 and later took its operations to the next level by sending its ground forces into the strip. ادامهٔ مطلب »

Filed under: Middle East, palestine, ,

Mobarak of Egypt under pressure of Gaza crisis

484846695944999While Syria, Iran, Qatar, Turkey an Jordan clearly condemn Israel, and sometimes clearly support Hammas against Israel, yet the government of Egypt and Saudi Arabia have not clarified their position. Egypt with Mobarak is severely under pressure of public opinion in Egypt and Arab and Islam world.

People see him as a traitor to Arab Islam and Egypt. Even these days his life is in real danger and he seldom appears in public. Egypt has ten kilometers direct border to Gaza. Mobarak can lesson this pressure by transferring medical and philanthropic aids to Gaza strip. But he like Israel wants to put the highest pressure on Hammas to get submitted. A goal which does not seem to be achieved even in far future.

Filed under: Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Middle East, muslim, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,

people can’t still turn themselves blind to barbarism in Gaza

“Upright and self-conscientious people of the world regardless religion protested even then when USA attacked vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and during 9/11.

But USA spoke hundreds of lies and some people from USA and worldwide did believe them.Now I don’t think that people can still turn themselves blind to the cruel facts of the barbarism,cruelty and injustices that are done,promoted and sponsored by the American governments then and today.

Israel is a solid example.If they weren’t backed and supported by USA for decades,they would have been still “a Stateless society”, uneducated and empty handed.They’ve 100 percent support by the USA authorities that’s why they give damn care to the world.The Zionists have hold many seats and positions in their senate and in other areas today.

Americans should be WARY of them, as one day they’ll surely grab and occupy everything of their,then they will not be able to do anything but will be helpless, and the world will also be silent then. “

source: a comment in salampress musleemun@yahoo.com

Filed under: Middle East, palestine,

Gaza hospitals and UN warehouse hit

Explosions in the Gaza Strip have continued after a day that saw some of the heaviest fighting so far in Israel’s war on the Palestinian territory. Al Jazeera’s Zeina Awad, reporting from the Israel-Gaza border, said it was a relatively quiet night as diplomatic efforts appeared to intensify, but explosions and aircraft flying overhead could still be heard in the early hours of Friday – the 21st day of Israel’s military campaign. ادامهٔ مطلب »

Filed under: Middle East, palestine,

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