پايگاه خبري سلام پرس


A democratic solution is always better than a military solution

A democratic solution is always better than a military solution

This is a frank truth that US couldn’t go forward with Iran by the language of threat and war. And this kind of policy led US in the weakest position.

Don’t you feel a need for change in this kind of policy? U.S and Israel failed in wars against Hamas and Hizbolla. Then while the language of wild jungle doesn’t work, they would better to experience the language of human being and sit on the back of negotiation table and talk with Iran.

Obama is stepping in the right path. Democracy rules are great assessment for human being. If they don’t work then we should discard them and find substitution for them. Man has experienced the language of war and terror and bloodshed for thousands of years and finally found out that this policy doesn’t work in long term.

I as an Iranian reformist believe that it is more possible to find the solution to misunderstandings between Iran and US in a friendly democratic atmosphere than in the hostile atmosphere of military war.

Some believe talking is useful just in friendly positions, and in disagreements it isn’t useful to talk and we should fight. Then they suggest U.S politicians to attack Iran and put aside all the civilized and democratic solutions. They ridicule Obama for talking without any preconditions to Iran. But we should know that a democratic solution is always better than a military solution.

Filed under: Iran, Islamic countries, Lebanon, Middle East, muslim,

بیان دیدگاه

فوریه 2009
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